Who We Are
Rainbow Community Services is an independent and private organisation that was established in 2005, and provides a range of services to young people aged 12-19 years. TUSLA is a statutory body established under the Child and family Agency Act with responsibility for child welfare and protection. The child care Act 1991 requires TUSLA to provide care for a child by placing him or her in residential care. Rainbow has been sub contracted by TUSLA and is in a contractually binding agreement to provide / complement the existing community based residential services operated by TUSLA.
Our Mission and Values
Our development strategy has clearly identified education, mentoring and family support as areas which we will develop within our services. This will further our goal of becoming change agents within the sector and promote very positive outcomes for our young people in care. We continually strive to greatly improve the overall lives of all the young people we care for. We aim to promote the prospects of a better life for each and every individual.
Model of Care
Rainbow operates a relational model of care based on the principles of Daily Life Events (DLE). The use of daily interaction and activities promotes the opportunity forour staff to participate with young people as they live their lives, meeting them where they’re at, and it fosters a connection and engagement that helps to facilitate counselling on the go.